Posts Tagged ‘dc’

“Quit Real Estate Investing in Maryland, DC and VA!”

February 7, 2008

“Quit Real Estate Investing!” That’s What They All Said Until I Showed Them My “Never Say Die” Investing System MD/DC/VA

Never Ever Quit…….Never Say Die……..Never
I know that many of you are ready to throw in the towel. Your mind says “Maybe this just isn’t for me….I think I just missed the time to get into to real estate investing. Then your closest friends say “You are just wasting your time…it’s time to move on….you gave it your best shoot…you can’t say you didn’t try” Does this sound familiar?
No matter what you decide to do in life, there are going to be obstacles, dry times, and times where it seems as though nothing is going your way. There is no way to avoid this. You must hold your position until you have the strength to move forward. Never go backwards. Now you have to be wise when you are a real estate investor or anything else. If what your are doing isn’t working, try a different angle. Find another way to support your ultimate goal. This way you’re not quiting. You are just taking a different means to an end. If you were flipping homes, master wholesaling. If you were wholesaling, master how to do lease options or shortsales. You must always be willing to increase your knowledge in order to move with the market demands.
If you analyze anyone who is where you want to be or anyone who you look at as a mentor, they have gone through major trials. If they had given up, you would not admire what they have accomplished.
There are certain things that you must do to remain on course through rough times in the real estate investing business.
1. Don’t focus on what is going wrong.
If you focus on what is wrong with your business, that is all that you will see. Focus on the one thing that is positive and build on that.
2. Stay connected to a mentor.
I know that you have heard the saying “Nothing is new under the sun”. We normally tell this to our children. Well, the same holds true with real estate investing. Someone has already dealt with the challenge that you are having. Learn as much as you can from their mistakes.
3. Education yourself.
Education is invaluable. Always keep yourself abreast of new terminolgy, new funding sources, new creatives ways of financing. There are so many ways to do more than just survive in this industry. Commit to paying for some type of education on a monthly basis. It can be coaching, seminars, classes or tapes as long as you are always increasing your knowledge.
4. Pass it on
When you are doing well, always be willing to help the person coming behind you. There are so many shady investors. We need as many ethical investors to support one another as we can find. Helping someone else always ends up helping you in the end!
Everything has a time and a purpose. The sooner you figure out what the purpose of the time you are in – the sooner you will move on to a new one.
You Can Survive As A Real Estate Investor!
Blessings to your Real Estate Investing Career,
Valarie Jacobs
Learn Real Estate Investing In Maryland
Learn Real Estate Investing in DC
Learn Real Estate Investing in Virginia

The Great Debate: Real Estate Investing vs. Stock Market Investing

January 11, 2008

Breaking Investment Discovery

Invest in the Real Estate Market or the Stock Market?

Everyone should have a well rounded financial portfolio. This means that you should at least have some investments in the stock market. Over the past years the stock market does appear to have kept up with the rate of inflation; however, investment in real estate is a far more stable investment.

The stock market has made many people wealthy. The problem with the stock market is that profits can be wiped away in the blink of an eyes. An unexpected drop in the stock market can destroy an investors portfolio. If you have a large percentage of your investments in the stock market, you must move a large portion of your investments into a more stable real estate investment.
One of the greatest benefits of investing in the real estate market is the leveraging opportunity. With real estate investing, you can leverage your investment 10 to 1. With stock market investments, you can only leverage your money 2 to 1.
What does leveraging your money mean?
When you leverage money, it means that you can use the money of someone else to raise money. Just like a lever raises something up, in real estate, you can leverage money 10 to 1. If you have $10,000 ,you can use this to get (or raise) a loan of $90,000 for a total of $100,000 towards a real estate investment. With stock investments, $10,000 would only get you $20,000 for stock investments. This is called buying on margin in the stock market (very risky).

Now of course, no investment is perfect. If property values fall, this leverage can work against you. The solution to this is to hold on to your real estate investments for the long term. This will begin to secure your financial future.
Blessings to Your Real Estate Investing,
Valarie Jacobs
Learn Real Estate Investing In Maryland
Learn Real Estate Investing In DC
Learn Real Estate Investing In Virginia

Learn Real Estate Investing For Financial Security in Maryland(MD), DC & VA

January 10, 2008

Real Estate Investing For Financial Security

Anyone who knows anything about Real Estate Investing knows that the most secure path to creating wealth is by investing in real estate; however, before you jump in head first…you must have a financial plan.

Most people don’t see the correlation between the two. There are so many methods of investing. You must first decide on what your ending financial goal is in order to figure out which real estate investing path you need to take. Secondly, you must sit down and figure out how much money you have to invest in real estate while maintaining your daily living.
The final and most important concept that we must understand is that a salary and a 401K will never create the wealth that most of us are aiming for in our future. If this was enough, we would not have so many grandmothers and grandfathers handing out smiley face stickers at Walmart. No one PLANS to to be a professional elderly sticker passer outer. On the other hand, no one becomes rich who doesn’t make a financial plan unless they are born with that shiny silver spoon.
We all know that there are certain things in life that you just don’t want to do…balancing your checkbook and financial planning are right up there with going to the dentist. But the end results of neglecting any of these, is not very favorable. So suck it up and dig in.
The retirement plan of the past:Work at one job for thirty years, work your way up the corporate ladder, get the gold watch, live off of your pension plan and social security. Pretty straight forward and simple. This retirement plan presents quite a few problems for the present and future retiree.
Problems with the retirement plan of the past:
1. You can no longer depend on your employer to provide for you after you stop working.
First of all…most of us never stay at a job long enough anymore to build up a decent pension. So if we are lucky, we depend on the faithful 401K. The problem with this is that you have to make half of the contributions yourself and if you are a contractor or an entrepreneur you don’t even have this luxury! Even if you were responsible enough to start your 401K in your twenties, (which most did not) the rate of inflation will eat away at your saving like rabid dog.2. You can no longer depend on the government to provide for you after you stop working.
How wonderful are your golden years going to be with $14,000 a year from social security? (Oh, that’s only if you contributed the maximum over your life time). Well, I won’t speak for everyone but I don’t want my big bingo day to be interrupted with clipping coupons and buying groceries with food stamps; however, this is what you have to look forward to if you depend on the government.
Not to mention…when the government set up social security, they only thought that we would live to be 60 to 65 years old. So there may not even be any money left when you need it.
So what do you do?
The present and future retirement plan:
You have to invest your money in an inflation proof entity that will provide for you despite your age. Real Estate is the only investment that is not negatively effected by inflation. It will also continue to grow for you no matter what your age. I attended my best friend’s grandmother’s funeral today. She lived to be 104 years old. She had the foresight eighty years ago to invest in real estate. She owned several properties in Washington DC. The investments provided for her for her entire life including her elderly care. These investments continue to provide for her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren even after her death. This is the definition of creating true wealth and securing your financial future.

Blessings to your Real Estate Careers,
Valarie Jacobs

Learn Real Estate Investing in Maryland

Learn Real Estate Investing in DC

Learn Real Estate Investing in Virginia

F.E.A.R (False Evidence Appearing Real) in Real Estate Investing in Maryland, DC and VA!

December 18, 2007

F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Apprearing Real) in Real Estate Investing in Maryland, DC and Virginia

Fellow Investor,

Why have you still not done what you said that you where going to do. When we consciously do not do something that we know is best for our real estate investing business the underlying reason is fear.

We know that it is best for our business to set up private investors. We know that it is best for our business to search for buyers everyday. We know that it is best for our business to read and study real estate investment techniques everyday…but do we do it! Why not?

The root is always fear. The fear of the unknown is learned early on in our childhood. We say that we want so many things consciously but out behaviors show that unconsciously maybe we don’t….or are we just afraid of the unknown. It always feels better to stay where you are comfortable….even if you don’t like where you are. Sound contradictory right? I know…but that’s the challenge. You must realize that in order to get what you want out of your real estate investing career you are going to have to get uncomfortable..real uncomfortable. If you feel comfortable in what you are doing, then you probably aren’t doing much. You have to be willing to stretch yourself and step into that which is not familiar to you. Is there a person that you always depend on…stop…do it yourself. Is there only one method that you use for moving your properties…stop…learn another. Have you been putting off setting appointments for private lending…stop…set the appointment. Have you been putting off even starting your real estate investing career….come on now…you know what I’m going to say.

Sit down today and ask yourself “What have I been avoiding?”. After you have answered to this question ask yourself “What do I fear in this area?” “Is this FEAR, false evidence appearing real? Are you trying to leave yourself an excuse for failure? Are you afraid of rejection? Here’s the good news, once you figure out what it is that you are doing or not doing to stop you from getting what you really want out of real estate investing…you can change it. Hey, what do you have to lose. You can only improve your business and yourself by facing these fears. Everyone does it…but until you STOP…you will never achieve what you truly desire.

Supporting Your Real Estate Investing Career,

Valarie Jacobs


You can learn Real Estate Investing in Maryland!

You can learn Real Estate Investing in DC!

You can learn Real Estate Investing in Virginia!

Buy Real Estate at 50% of in Maryland, DC and VA – Learn Real Estate Investing In DC/MD/VA

December 18, 2007

How to Buy Real Estate in MD, DC & VA for 50% off

Real Estate for .50 cents on the dollar.

With the sub prime market being absolutely unpredictable, investors can not depend on their buyers to come thru with loans. Try this little technique of acquiring property. It will help you to survive as a Real Estate Investor in Maryland, DC and Virginia.

Stop looking online and finding REO (bank-owned) properties to buy. Find an agent and tell them you want to make about 30 offers a month on REOs that have been listed for 180 days or more. Tell the agent to make the offers at 50% of the listing price and make them contingent upon inspection. Each time the bank asks for a counter, send the offer back $5000 less. Of course, all of the offers won’t be accepted, but if you can get two or so accepted out of 30+, you have hit the jackpot. All you need to do is fund the deals using cash, private money, hard money or other sources. Agents are not super-busy right now, so they will jump all over this idea.

The reason this technique is going to help you survive as a real estate investor is you don’t have to count on traditional loans that aren’t dependable right now. Just find a hard money lender. They are listed right in the yellow pages. Most will lend on properties that are 70% below market minus repairs. This method leaves enough of a spread to add any repairs right into your loan. Many hard money lenders don’t even care about your credit rating, they decide whether to loan you the money based on the deal. Don’t let the cost of money discourage you from using hard money lenders. The availability of money is more valuable than the cost. Look at your bottom line after the deal is done. Acquiring half priced real estate, will ensure your survival as a Real Estate Investor!

Supporting your Real Estate Investor Success,

Valarie Jacobs


Learn Real Estate Investing in Maryland !


Learn Real Estate Investing in DC !


Learn Real Estate Investing in Virginia !

Challenges Are Blessings In Disguise – Learn Real Estate Investing MD/DC/VA

December 18, 2007

Opportunity is Staring You in the Face

Challenges are “Blessings in Disguise”

The other day we addressed setting goals and sticking to them. Focusing your every activity on accomplishing those goals. Well, if it were that easy…everyone would be rich. So what is the problem…what’s stops us from getting the one thing that we want the most. Is it money… circumstances… divorce… lack of knowledge …your race …uhm? Whatever popped into your mind for that question “What is stopping you?” IS NOT the right answer. The answer is your determination to reach the goals that you have set for yourself.

When you set your mind to a goal, it seems like out of nowhere there are hundreds of giants(problems, challenges, oppositions) standing in your way. I’m sure you’ve heard this but remember it…internalize it…”The Bigger They are The Harder They Fall”. You have to be willing to stand up to the giants in your life and knock them down (or simply walk around).
When I started thinking back on challenges in my life, after the dust settled things really were not as bad as they seemed and many times the ending was better. It all depends on how you view the “what appears to be” giant. Usually at first site, the opposition seems impenetrable to you because of the angle you are using to view it. It’s like a camera. When you first look thru the lens, everything appears to be so blurry…”What a horrible picture this is going to be!” However, when you take the time to adjust your focus the true picture becomes crystal clear. You can use this same technique for attaining your goals.

When opposition first shows it’s face..don’t focus on all of the opportunities that have been taken away. Train you mind to change the focus. Focus on the opportunities that are now available to you . What CAN you do that you could not do before this happened? How CAN you use this to get you closer to the your goal? This is one of the most difficult things that you MUST train your mind to do. Practice daily. When the buyer calls you on the day of the closing, and says “I’m not coming” and you are financially counting on that closing….When you’ve been married fifteen years and your spouse says out of the blue “I don’t think I want to be married!” When the teenager runs the stop sign totaling your brand new car and says “I don’t have insurance” or on a lighter note when you’ve been looking forward to finally getting home to just sit down and relax with a bowl of your favorite ice cream and your teenager says “I didn’t know you wanted it”. Will you be able to change the focus of your thoughts? If you practice and train your mind to always stay in proper focus… Guess what?

Nothing is a Giant….Nothing is an Opposition…

Absolutely Everything is an Opportunity…..

“A Blessing In Disguise !”

You are on your way to becoming a successful Real Estate Investor in DC, Maryland & Virginia!

Supporting Your Real Estate Investing Success,

Valarie Jacobs


Learn Real Estate Investing in Maryland!

Learn Real Estate Investing in DC!

Learn Real Estate Investing in Virginia!

Setting Goals…Yeah Yeah Yeah, I’ve Heard It Before

November 18, 2007

Real Estate Investment Coach

Real Estate Investment Coach

Hello Investors,

I know you’ve heard it time and time again. Set your Goals…Write your Goals! You hear from every successful person yet you still don’t feel like doing it. The fact is…If you won’t take the time to figure out what you REALLY want, how are you REALLY going to get it.

Some of us may need to figure out why we have not taken the time time to write down our dreams and desires. Are you afraid that if you admit to ourselves what you want and desire that you may fail? You have to be willing to write as well as verbalize your goals. When your goals are clear, you know what you should be doing and what you shouldn’t be doing. For example, say your goal is to close on two deals for the month. Each and every activity that you involve yourself in should be directly focused on that goal. When you are on the phone with a friend ask yourself “Is this going to help me close two real estate deals this month? When you push the snooze button ask yourself “Is this going to help me close two deals this month”. You may be involved in something very productive; however, if it doesn’t answer “yes” to your goal question then you must stop doing that activity. If you practice this technique and train yourself to ONLY participate in activities that will answer “yes” to your goal question and lead you to your goals, you will be one your way to surviving as a successful real estate investor.

Supporting your real estate investor success,

Valarie Jacobs

You can succeed as a Real Estate Investor in DC, Maryland and Virginia!

Learn Real Estate Investing in Maryland!

Learn Real Estate Investing in DC!

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