Posts Tagged ‘learn real estate investing’

DC, Maryland and VA Investors “What Do You Do After You Get A Real Estate Lead?” – Valarie Jacobs, DMV REIA

April 23, 2009

Maryland, DC & VA Real Estate Investors Needs Some Help!

“I Have A Real Estate Lead Now What Do I Do?” Part 1

Real Estate Agents and Investors are saturated with “Marketing for Real Estate”, “Internet Marketing for Real Estate Investors”, “Marketing 101 for Real Estate Agents”, etc. While marketing is extremely important, if you master the marketing and don’t know what to do with the lead…You don’t make any money! Many of you go from tape to class, from class to seminar, from seminar to bootcamp, from bootcamp to webinar, from webinar to blog… When are you gonna go to the bank?

Do you know why most of you have not done a deal or enough deals? You are afraid of this step right here! The rest of you are not afraid but you don’t know what to do next or haven’t been taught properly. So let’s talk about what to do when you get a lead.

Many of you get to this step and lose the deal. What is your closing ratio? Do you know? Do you document when leads call in, where they call from and how many calls end with a deal? This step is not fun but it is very important. Again, I want to move past this step as well.


Let me get some very basic marketing key points out of the way.

You want your leads to find you. It is much easier to get a deal when your client has raised their hand and said “Please help me”. Just imagine…when you are at your house and you hear a knock on the door. If you are not expecting company….you may be asleep, you may be afraid…most of us peek first or if you are like me I just don’t answer the door; however, if you have invited someone over…you are dressed, the house is nice and you are happy and ready for their arrival. This is the same for your leads when you call them. Find a way for them to call you. I will give you ideas in a future note.

Ok, so you got the lead to call you. What do you want from this call?

The first step is to prescreen the lead:

Your reasons for prescreening are:

1. Ask the RIGHT questions
2. Get basic info regarding the property
3. Determine their true motivation
4. Determine your next step

Confidence is the most important characteristic to exhibit over the telephone. Confidence not cockiness. Many of the people who are calling you are ready to do something now. If they don’t choose to work with you, it’s because of one of two reasons:

1. they didn’t like you
2. they didn’t trust you

So how can you show confidence if you don’t have it? Or maybe you do have it but you aren’t organized so something just doesn’t sound quite right to the client.

You need a basic property information sheet. Don’t try to remember all the questions. It doesn’t work. Veteran investors often get tired of this step but inevitably you forget to ask something. The property information sheet will keep you on track and in control of the conversation. If you don’t have a property information sheet, call me and I will send one to you.

Now you may have to take a moment to build a little rapport with the lead before you dive to deep in the questions. Feel your client out. If they are more of a slow paced person, then take it down a notch. If they are spitting the information out to you, then write it down and then just go back and fill in the blanks. Remember in real estate you are in sales. You are selling yourself to sellers and hopefully as time goes on you will be selling the idea of creative financing, owner financing, taking a price less than they expect, etc…so this first contact is crucial to closing the deal.

The main thing that helps is to always put their needs first. “How can you solve their problem?”

This is why you must find their true motivation!

Is it debt relief?
Is it peace of mind?

Everyone is not selling their home because they need money right away. If you are suggesting solutions to the wrong problem, then you will lose the deal.

“I Have a Real Estate Deal Now What?” Part 2 will cover:
How to find true motivation of sellers
Different type of deals
The next step based on the deal

Valarie Jacobs
301-476-8005 office

Come and Network with Valarie Jacobs and Other Maryland DC and VA Real Estate Investors at the Top Real Estate Investor Club in the Washington DC area.

DMV Real Estate Investor association Meets Every 1st Saturday at 9am at the Greenbelt, MD, at the Hilton Garden Inn (Right behind Fridays). Tons of Information and free membership! For more information go to

You can also find Valarie on Tweeter and Facebook.

The Mind is A Terrible Thing to Waste – DC MD VA Real Estate Investors!

March 24, 2009

Hello DC MD and VA Real Estate Investors,

Fous on what is the questions.

I received an email from one of my students today. She was talking about how she was depressed and felt as if this wasn’t going right and that wasn’t going right and she just doesn’t have all the things that she thought that she would have at this point in her life.

Well, how many of us have had at least one of these thoughts at some point in our lives. The fact is that sometimes lifes seems to get in the way and doesn’t seem to cooperate with what we have in mind. We all have daily challenges some larger than others. So, what do you do when you are feeling this way.

This is when you have to have control over your mind. Any and everything that you focus on WILL increase! So what have you been focusing on? If you want more stress and aggrevation, then continue to focus on the unpaid bill, the failed relationship, the car accident, the burnt dinner, the pimple on your nose (lol)…you get the point.

I know this is so much easier said than done but you must master this skill in order to not only make wise desicions but follow thru with completing them.

When you feel yourself focusing on situations, people or anything that will not cause a positive outcome or stress free feeling, stop and intentionally focus on what will make you happy and direct you towards your goal.

Am I saying to forget about your responsiblites and just do what makes you feel good…of course not! What I am saying is that if you open your mind to positive thoughts and images, you will find solutions to things that you thought were once impossible to conquer.

This is your assignment for tomorrow. Let me know how it worked for you.

Valarie Jacobs

PS. If you have not added me as a friend on facebook yet don’t forget to add me today.

Best Place For Real Estate Networking in DC MD & VA!

Newsflash: Real Estate Investors and Landlords in DC Maryland & VA – DR. CA$HFLOW is coming to town.

March 24, 2009

Dr. Cashflow is coming to town!
Saturday, April 4, 2009 at 9:15AM


Share His Secrets on How You Can Get 3 Times The Market Rent Guaranteed and Mailed to You Each Month from Government Agencies Without Section 8.

Reserve my seat for Dr. CA$HFLOW!

Come hear how Nick Sidoti AKA “DR. CASH FLOW” took a simple idea and turned it into a HIGH CASH FLOW – LOW HASSLE EMPIRE. “DR. CASH FLOW” will teach you how you can DOUBLE YOUR RENTAL INCOME with SPECIAL NEEDS HOUSING. He will share how to rent to college students, veterans, government agencies, and other customers who will pay you big bucks (2 or 3 times more than market rent) for a little extra convenience. NO, this is not Section 8, and NO, you do not need a license or special permit, and YES, you will be blown away by the increase in profit.

“Nick Sidoti has found the key to success in real estate. He has mastered the art of turning rental property into a cash machine.

These are all words that have been used to describe Nick Sidoti, aka “DR. CASH FLOW”bwho has a knack for not only making tons of money in real estate, but also has a good time doing it.

Better yet, he has a gift for teaching others his “Highly Effective Cash Producing Methods” in a way that’s easy to understand and, tremendously entertaining at the same time. His “DR. CASH FLOW, The CA$H REGISTER LANDLORD”, presentation will leave you rolling in the aisles and remembering the vitally important, cash producing points he drives home with humor. Nick and his alter egos (yes there are several) will show you how to give your income a giant boost and make tenant problems disappear by using creative property management techniques.
Save my seat for Dr. CA$HFLOW!





$ How to put $100,000.00 in YOUR POCKET TAX-FREE now.
$ How to market your rentals to government agencies who pay more than market rent.
$ How to avoid the #1 biggest mistake investors are making because they are misinformed.
$ How to say good – bye to the bureaucratic Section 8 inspections.
$ How to dramatically reduce headaches while you’re increasing profits.
$ How to get over $500.00 rent increase per month without evening asking for it.
$ How to get the government to stuff your mailbox full of money the 1st of each month.
$ How to keep your sanity, prevent ulcers, and still have tenants.
$ How to get great tenants who NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, MOVE.


Nick is a full time investor since 1979 and the national expert on student and special needs rentals. He is a seasoned investor, author and columnist who has passed the test of time. He has lectured to thousands at real estate organizations and conventions and across the country for over 20 years.

His credentials include national designation as a R.A.M. – Registered Apartment Manager and C. P.M. Certified Property Manager CPM. He is an award-winning columnist for his column, “DR. CASHFLOW”, which is featured monthly in the NATIONAL APARTAMEMT OWNERS ASSOCIATION MAGAZINE, which is the most widely circulated real estate investor publication in the nation. His column is also featured in numerous newspapers and real estate publications around the country. Nick is a previous member of the National Board of Advisors for Financial Freedom Report and the founder and President of Western New York Real Estate Investors, Inc.

See the full event details, including location, at


DC/MD/VA Real Estate Investing and Training – DMV REIA

Learn Real Estate Investing Strategies for Maryland, DC and Virginia at the top rated Real Estate Investment Club in DC, MD and VA!

Meet fellow Real Estate Buyers and Investors near you! Come to a local Real Estate Buying & Investing Club to discuss properties on the market, contracts, mortgages and anything else about land and realty. We have training on the latest investment techniques. If you are not serious about making alot of money this is not the group for you!

Check out what members are saying about DC/MD/VA Real Estate Investing and Training – DMV REIA:

“Others should join DMV REIA because it has alot of positive energy. We provide investors an environment they can learn in, grow in, and feel comfortable in. We allow time for plenty of networking, deal announcements, and we are giving back to the community. We will be doing something for the Covenant House once per quarter. We make everyone feel welcome and feel an ownership of the REIA like it’s their REIA.” – Dante Mayo

“This group is amazing. The education provided to the members is top notch! The members are the best. I love this group. Everyone is so willing to help one another and share information. It doesn’t seem possible that the meetings can get better every month…but they do! This REIA is absolutely awesome and the networking is unreal. Can’t wait until next month!” – Valarie

“Valarie is a great resource for any new investor! As a trainer of hundreds of local investors, I think this would be a great meetup to connect with!” – Frazier O’Leary

“Other investors should join this Meetup group because it is small enough to be informative. It was not overwhelming with everyone trying to have their say before the time ran out. You actually had the opportunity to network in an active and positive atmosphere. This Meetup Group left you with a since of accomplishing your goals.” – Jennifer

“Others should join this meet up because it’s informative and helpful, the people are courteous, the time and place are convenient” – Sharon Garrett

Valarie Jacobs

Follow me on facebook and twitter
Save my seat for Dr. CA$HFLOW!

No Cash No Credit Short Sale and REO Funding For Real Estate Investors Nationwide!

March 1, 2009

No Cash No Credit Short Sale and REO Funding For Real Estate Investors Nationwide!

No Cash/ No Credit Needed!

Use our investor funds to buy homes from banks or Short Sales and then flip them to end buyers. This is not a loan or hard money program. You never have to qualify for use of the funds. You are provided with a Proof of Funds Letter which allows you to do a double close and earn instant cash profits on closings.

Here’s how it works: Line up a short sale, REO or any double close purchase then use our investor’s funds to buy the home and flip it to your ready buyer. No credit needed on your part since the buyer’s loan at closing pays off our private investor. This is a No Cash / No Credit transaction on your part.

Funds available immediately!

Call us for more information call Valarie directly.

Valarie Jacobs – 202-528-4761

Transactional Financing Terms

· Minimum Loan Amount: $10,000.00
· Maximum Loan Amount: $500,000.00 (Call for higher loan amounts)

· $10,000.00 – $79,999.99: $2,300.00 flat fee
· $80,000.00-$500,000.00: 3% of the loan amount with a $199.00 processing fee
· All fees are collected at closing. DMV REIA Transitional Funding will not collect a fee unless the transaction closes. NO UPFRONT FEES!

· All loans must be conveyed with clear title

· All loans are for the one day financing needed to close the front end of a back to back closing.

Documentation Required:
· Contract for purchase of the property. (A to B transaction)
· Contract for the sale of the property. (B to C transaction)
· Proof of funds or commitment letter for the funding of B to C transaction
· Completed one-page request form

For more information go to

Valarie Jacobs

The Great Debate: Real Estate Investing vs. Stock Market Investing

January 11, 2008

Breaking Investment Discovery

Invest in the Real Estate Market or the Stock Market?

Everyone should have a well rounded financial portfolio. This means that you should at least have some investments in the stock market. Over the past years the stock market does appear to have kept up with the rate of inflation; however, investment in real estate is a far more stable investment.

The stock market has made many people wealthy. The problem with the stock market is that profits can be wiped away in the blink of an eyes. An unexpected drop in the stock market can destroy an investors portfolio. If you have a large percentage of your investments in the stock market, you must move a large portion of your investments into a more stable real estate investment.
One of the greatest benefits of investing in the real estate market is the leveraging opportunity. With real estate investing, you can leverage your investment 10 to 1. With stock market investments, you can only leverage your money 2 to 1.
What does leveraging your money mean?
When you leverage money, it means that you can use the money of someone else to raise money. Just like a lever raises something up, in real estate, you can leverage money 10 to 1. If you have $10,000 ,you can use this to get (or raise) a loan of $90,000 for a total of $100,000 towards a real estate investment. With stock investments, $10,000 would only get you $20,000 for stock investments. This is called buying on margin in the stock market (very risky).

Now of course, no investment is perfect. If property values fall, this leverage can work against you. The solution to this is to hold on to your real estate investments for the long term. This will begin to secure your financial future.
Blessings to Your Real Estate Investing,
Valarie Jacobs
Learn Real Estate Investing In Maryland
Learn Real Estate Investing In DC
Learn Real Estate Investing In Virginia

Negotiations – The First 5 Seconds In Real Estate Investing – Learn Real Estate Investing In MD/DC/VA

December 18, 2007

Negotiations – The First 5 Seconds in Real Estate!

Hello Investors,

Did you know that you can literally lose a sale before a single word is spoken? People make a large percentage of their decision about whether they want to do business with you within the first 5 seconds of laying eyes on you. This bit of knowledge can have a hugh impact on the amount of deals that you are able to close. When you have an appointment with a client pay close attention to the non-verbal as well as the verbal messages that you are giving off to people. I have listed a couple of behaviors for you to pay attention to on your next appointment.

  1. SMILE and think nice thoughts about the person you are meeting. You would be surprised at the non-verbal messages that the mind picks up.
  2. Make sure that you are very well groomed. Pay attention to your jewelry, hair style, cologne or perfume, wrinkles in clothing, shoes etc. It’s better to have one very nice outfit from head to toe that you have to repeat until you are on your feet than to have several mediocre outfits.
  3. People are more comfortable with people who are like themselves. Pay attention to cues that you can pick up about their beliefs and values. Now is not the time to try and convince someone about your viewpoints on anything outside of the deal.
  4. Do not invade personal space. Pretend that there is an 18 inch bubble around the person you are meeting.
  5. Be certain to know what your clients needs are before the appointment so that you can properly prepare. Make sure that you are addressing their specific need. Is their need cash now, cash later, tired of being a landlord, payments to high…etc?
  6. Pay attention to the pace at which your client speaks. Mimic and mirror. If your client speaks slowly, then you must slow down. If you talk to fast, they won’t trust you. If your client speak fast ,then you must get on with your presentation. If you speak to slowly, they will get bored.
  7. If you are meeting with a woman, whether you are a man or woman, keep your eye level below hers. You don’t have to look down, try taking a seat. Research has shown that many woman feel less intimidated if their eye level is higher than the people around them.
  8. If a client gets emotional, don’t mimic and model this emotion. Show concern but maintain an emotional balance throughout the meeting.
  9. Be familiar with the terminology of your business. This makes your clients feel more comfortable about your knowledge and experience which will make them more likely to do business with you.
  10. Nothing is more important than building rapport. Show a genuine interest in your client. Put your clients concerns first and focus on solving their problem instead of make your sale.

All of this takes time and effort but this will improve your closing ratio for your deals. Take the time to change these behaviors because…”You Can Survive As a Real Estate Investor in Maryland, DC and Virginia!

Supporting Your Real Estate Career,

Valarie Jacobs

F.E.A.R (False Evidence Appearing Real) in Real Estate Investing in Maryland, DC and VA!

December 18, 2007

F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Apprearing Real) in Real Estate Investing in Maryland, DC and Virginia

Fellow Investor,

Why have you still not done what you said that you where going to do. When we consciously do not do something that we know is best for our real estate investing business the underlying reason is fear.

We know that it is best for our business to set up private investors. We know that it is best for our business to search for buyers everyday. We know that it is best for our business to read and study real estate investment techniques everyday…but do we do it! Why not?

The root is always fear. The fear of the unknown is learned early on in our childhood. We say that we want so many things consciously but out behaviors show that unconsciously maybe we don’t….or are we just afraid of the unknown. It always feels better to stay where you are comfortable….even if you don’t like where you are. Sound contradictory right? I know…but that’s the challenge. You must realize that in order to get what you want out of your real estate investing career you are going to have to get uncomfortable..real uncomfortable. If you feel comfortable in what you are doing, then you probably aren’t doing much. You have to be willing to stretch yourself and step into that which is not familiar to you. Is there a person that you always depend on…stop…do it yourself. Is there only one method that you use for moving your properties…stop…learn another. Have you been putting off setting appointments for private lending…stop…set the appointment. Have you been putting off even starting your real estate investing career….come on now…you know what I’m going to say.

Sit down today and ask yourself “What have I been avoiding?”. After you have answered to this question ask yourself “What do I fear in this area?” “Is this FEAR, false evidence appearing real? Are you trying to leave yourself an excuse for failure? Are you afraid of rejection? Here’s the good news, once you figure out what it is that you are doing or not doing to stop you from getting what you really want out of real estate investing…you can change it. Hey, what do you have to lose. You can only improve your business and yourself by facing these fears. Everyone does it…but until you STOP…you will never achieve what you truly desire.

Supporting Your Real Estate Investing Career,

Valarie Jacobs


You can learn Real Estate Investing in Maryland!

You can learn Real Estate Investing in DC!

You can learn Real Estate Investing in Virginia!

Buy Real Estate at 50% of in Maryland, DC and VA – Learn Real Estate Investing In DC/MD/VA

December 18, 2007

How to Buy Real Estate in MD, DC & VA for 50% off

Real Estate for .50 cents on the dollar.

With the sub prime market being absolutely unpredictable, investors can not depend on their buyers to come thru with loans. Try this little technique of acquiring property. It will help you to survive as a Real Estate Investor in Maryland, DC and Virginia.

Stop looking online and finding REO (bank-owned) properties to buy. Find an agent and tell them you want to make about 30 offers a month on REOs that have been listed for 180 days or more. Tell the agent to make the offers at 50% of the listing price and make them contingent upon inspection. Each time the bank asks for a counter, send the offer back $5000 less. Of course, all of the offers won’t be accepted, but if you can get two or so accepted out of 30+, you have hit the jackpot. All you need to do is fund the deals using cash, private money, hard money or other sources. Agents are not super-busy right now, so they will jump all over this idea.

The reason this technique is going to help you survive as a real estate investor is you don’t have to count on traditional loans that aren’t dependable right now. Just find a hard money lender. They are listed right in the yellow pages. Most will lend on properties that are 70% below market minus repairs. This method leaves enough of a spread to add any repairs right into your loan. Many hard money lenders don’t even care about your credit rating, they decide whether to loan you the money based on the deal. Don’t let the cost of money discourage you from using hard money lenders. The availability of money is more valuable than the cost. Look at your bottom line after the deal is done. Acquiring half priced real estate, will ensure your survival as a Real Estate Investor!

Supporting your Real Estate Investor Success,

Valarie Jacobs


Learn Real Estate Investing in Maryland !


Learn Real Estate Investing in DC !


Learn Real Estate Investing in Virginia !

Setting Goals…Yeah Yeah Yeah, I’ve Heard It Before

November 18, 2007

Real Estate Investment Coach

Real Estate Investment Coach

Hello Investors,

I know you’ve heard it time and time again. Set your Goals…Write your Goals! You hear from every successful person yet you still don’t feel like doing it. The fact is…If you won’t take the time to figure out what you REALLY want, how are you REALLY going to get it.

Some of us may need to figure out why we have not taken the time time to write down our dreams and desires. Are you afraid that if you admit to ourselves what you want and desire that you may fail? You have to be willing to write as well as verbalize your goals. When your goals are clear, you know what you should be doing and what you shouldn’t be doing. For example, say your goal is to close on two deals for the month. Each and every activity that you involve yourself in should be directly focused on that goal. When you are on the phone with a friend ask yourself “Is this going to help me close two real estate deals this month? When you push the snooze button ask yourself “Is this going to help me close two deals this month”. You may be involved in something very productive; however, if it doesn’t answer “yes” to your goal question then you must stop doing that activity. If you practice this technique and train yourself to ONLY participate in activities that will answer “yes” to your goal question and lead you to your goals, you will be one your way to surviving as a successful real estate investor.

Supporting your real estate investor success,

Valarie Jacobs

You can succeed as a Real Estate Investor in DC, Maryland and Virginia!

Learn Real Estate Investing in Maryland!

Learn Real Estate Investing in DC!

Learn Real Estate Investing in Virginia!