Posts Tagged ‘real estate training’

Caution: Read This Before Investing In Real Estate! (DC/MD/VA)

January 21, 2008

Caution: Read This Before Investing in Real Estate

Many investors are hesitant about investing in this market. If you watch the news or read the paper, reports would have you believing that the sky is falling. Well, the sky falling should be the ONLY reason why you would be leery about investing in real estate. The question is not “Should I invest in real estate right now?” it’s “Where do I invest in real estate right now?”

There are four key factors when deciding where to invest in real estate:

  1. Metropolitan Area
  2. Good Rental Market
  3. Low Median Price
  4. Stable Market

Let’s look at each of these key factors a little closer.

Metropolitan Area

A metropolitan area offers a wide variety of possible tenants. The last thing you want is a great VACANT property. Small towns often only have one source of employment. If that company closes, so does your rental market. Larger areas also offer a great selection of property management companies so if you are to busy to play landlord you have options.

Good Rental Market

A good rental market has single family homes that keep up with or surpass the amount of the mortgage payment. This does not mean that a property with a temporary negative cash flow doesn’t still make a good investment in the long run.

Low Median Price

You want to purchase most of your investment properties in the median range. This should keep you mortgage payment below what you can reasonably ask for in rent. You also want to avoid jumbo loans. Jumbo loans ask investors to put down 25% on non-owner occupied homes. This can tie up to much of your cash that you could be using for another investment.

Stable Market

Believe it or not you don’t want to invest in a booming market. During a booming market, there are many offers being made on one property. You have to compete with to many buyers. This drives up the prices for the houses and you don’t get the best deals. You want to buy in an area that simply has a steady rise in market prices. It doesn’t have to be rapid.

Blessing to Your Real Estate Investing,

Valarie Jacobs


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Setting Goals…Yeah Yeah Yeah, I’ve Heard It Before

November 18, 2007

Real Estate Investment Coach

Real Estate Investment Coach

Hello Investors,

I know you’ve heard it time and time again. Set your Goals…Write your Goals! You hear from every successful person yet you still don’t feel like doing it. The fact is…If you won’t take the time to figure out what you REALLY want, how are you REALLY going to get it.

Some of us may need to figure out why we have not taken the time time to write down our dreams and desires. Are you afraid that if you admit to ourselves what you want and desire that you may fail? You have to be willing to write as well as verbalize your goals. When your goals are clear, you know what you should be doing and what you shouldn’t be doing. For example, say your goal is to close on two deals for the month. Each and every activity that you involve yourself in should be directly focused on that goal. When you are on the phone with a friend ask yourself “Is this going to help me close two real estate deals this month? When you push the snooze button ask yourself “Is this going to help me close two deals this month”. You may be involved in something very productive; however, if it doesn’t answer “yes” to your goal question then you must stop doing that activity. If you practice this technique and train yourself to ONLY participate in activities that will answer “yes” to your goal question and lead you to your goals, you will be one your way to surviving as a successful real estate investor.

Supporting your real estate investor success,

Valarie Jacobs

You can succeed as a Real Estate Investor in DC, Maryland and Virginia!

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